What is a generic drug?
What is a brand-name drug?
What is a preferred drug?
What is a non-preferred drug?
What is a specialty drug?
What is a non-essential drug?
What is a provider-administered drug?
What is a drug tier?
What is a drug list (also called a “formulary”)?
What does it mean if my benefit plan has mandatory generics?
What is an alternative drug list?
What is a maintenance drug list?
What is an Affordable Care Act (ACA) preventive drug list?
What is a Prior Authorization (also called a Precertification)?
What do I pay at the pharmacy for my drugs?
What is a drug exclusion (also called a non-covered drug)?
What is the difference between the network pharmacies?
Who is my specialty pharmacy?
What are drug coverage guidelines?
What is Step Therapy?
What are Quantity Limits?
What if I have questions about my drug coverage?